Brett Foreman
I helped create the #DiversityIsOurStrength project, working as Project Documentation (Lead), and on the Wheat Paste, and Scanning teams.
My Family History
My father’s family moved from Germany to the U.S. in the early 1900s. My great grandpa Fürhmann first worked as a woodsmith and eventually owned his own lumberyard. At some point, my family Americanized their last name to “Foreman.” On my mother’s side, the Dickey’s came from Germany as well. My grandfather, Philip Dickey Sr., worked for a publishing warehouse and was killed in a forklift accident when my mother was four.
Living in Iowa
I grew up in Grimes, IA and now attend the University of Northern Iowa. I love this state and want to live here, or at least in the midwest, my entire life. Life seems simpler here. Every year my family goes on vacation and we usually end up in a big city where the traffic is heavy and everything you do is stressful. The people in Iowa are genuine, caring, and forgive easily. It is not the fields, the sunsets, or land that makes me love Iowa; it is the people. Iowa nice is a real thing and something I never want to leave.
My Dreams
I am good at sports, social media, photoshop, and photography. I want to be a sports photographer and graphic designer and work for a professional sports or Division I athletic team. My job at UNI Athletics has given me a great stepping stone to work at a huge school in another state.
A Teacher Who Changed My Life
Michael Burger, Art teacher, Dallas Center Grimes High School. Mr. Burger really challenged me in graphic design and helped my decision in what major I would choose at UNI (He also went to UNI).
My Favorite Thing

I grew up adoring baseball and still play it. Summertime is best because I am always at the ball field. I am also working for a baseball team this summer in Illinois so that will keep me around the game too.
I was oblivious to the Waterloo statistics about educational and general inequality in the Cedar Valley before working on this project. Diversity is not something I have yet experienced too much yet and I am excited to be part of something bigger than myself.