Connor Gibson
I helped create the #DiversityIsOurStrength project, working as Content Writing (Lead) and on the Design and Wheat Paste teams.
My Family History
My great-grandfather, Johann Georg Vogt (mom’s side) came to the U.S. from Liechtenstein by boat at the age of 15 in approximately 1895. He spent most of his life as a farm laborer (renting himself out to farms) and later worked for the Rathe meat packing plant when they moved to Waterloo, Iowa. Both my grandparents dropped out of school to support their families, and my grandfather, Dan Vogt had to hunt for food with his brothers to support his family.
Living in Iowa
I’m a hard-working Iowan who is not a stranger to manual labor. I love and respect the town, region, and country that I grew up in, and being an Eagle Scout, I have a great appreciation for animals and the great outdoors. I was raised to be a mindful, open-minded person who treats others respectfully (this is also where my work ethic came from too).
My Dreams
I’m sort of a ‘jack-of-all-trades: I’m great at handling and using practically any kind of technology and computers (new or old); excellent at creative writing and thinking; talented in drawing and painting (I have fantastic penmanship and an eye for detail); and I’m a great reader. I also play all types of video games, and would like to work in the gaming industry as a game designer.
A Teacher Who Changed My Life
Dr. Jim O’loughlin, Professor of English Literature, University of Northern Iowa. Dr. O’loughlin is a charismatic, excellent professor who has helped me understand how video games have a great impact on our society beyond simple entertainment. In exposing me to game engine software, he has helped me pursue my dream career with confidence, and helped me appreciate the academic merit behind studying gaming design.
My Favorite Thing

Self care is a very important way to treat yourself. This represents me because these oils make me feel calm in this crazy world. Nothing makes me happier than defusing my essential oils at night and playing video games. It’s my escape.
A relic compared to more modern devices, my Gameboy Advance has given me endless amounts of joy growing up. It was the first and only thing I have ever won in a contest (or raffle), and has satisfied my boredom on many lengthy road trips and family vacations.