Dakota Davis
I helped create the #DiversityIsOurStrength project, working as the Accessibility (co-Lead), and on the Design and Development teams.
My Family History
My background is tricky. I have relatives who are German, Dutch, and Native American on my dad’s side, and French, Irish, Scottish, Native American, and Spanish on my mom’s side. My dad’s family ended up in Osceola, Iowa. In the 1950s, my grandmother actually moved to California to model for Life magazine. She met my grandfather, a Californian, and my mother was born there. My grandma (the Life model) had a habit of spending too much on interior decorating and kept going bankrupt and having to move, so she eventually ended up back in Iowa.
Living in Iowa
I grew up in Osceola, IA. I’m not totally sure what makes me identify with Iowa, other than that I lived my whole life here and all my friends and family are here. I’m just comfortable here. When I think of Iowa, I think of home.
My Dreams
I am good at the arts, learning about things I don’t understand, and helping and understanding other people. I am pursuing a career in web design, and am particularly interested in universal design and accessibility. Web accessibility means creating websites so that anyone with a disability (like hearing or visual impairment) will have no barriers in accessing the web content, and can contribute deeply to our shared web culture.
A Teacher Who Changed My Life
Kathrine Thostenson, English Teacher, Clarke Community High School; Morgan Singleton, Art Teacher, Clarke Community High School; and Brad Lampe, Band Teacher, Clarke Community High School In middle school I hated school and thought it was stupid and wanted to quit Throughout high school, these three teachers all really made me appreciate school through music (band), art, and writing. I will never forget the impact they have had on me. They all believed in me when I didn’t have the capacity to believe in myself. Without them pushing me, I wouldn’t have accomplished as much as I have.
My Favorite Thing

I collect snow globes because my grandma has given me one every year for Christmas, and every time I see my collection, I think of my family.
Most of my friends are diverse in some way, whether it’s their race, sexuality or gender. My worldview has expanded so much because of them. The more we learn about other people and other cultures, the better we are as people, and the easier it is for us to relate with and understand each other. The more open-minded we are, the more connected we can become.