University of Northern Iowa, English Teaching
My Family History
I was adopted at age 7 when I was seven years old by a man who lived in Sioux City Iowa. When I was about ten, I moved to Omaha, Nebraska, where I would spend the rest of my childhood. I later went to college and met my adoptive mother. She had always lived in Nebraska and did so until my father got his position as a Pastor in a town outside of Sioux City.
Living in Iowa
I grew up in rural Iowa about twenty minutes away from Sioux City. I had friends who lived in the country so I got to have fun in the woods, be around farmers and see the tradition of the Midwest in bloom. Cedar Falls is a great contrast to how I was raised. I have traveled around Iowa and the cities are amazing but the small towns are wonderful.
My Dreams
I have one goal in life and that is to be an educator. I want to go into communities and build a solid foundation for future generations. To me teaching is the noblest of professions because they have so much amazing work to do.
A Teacher Who Changed My Life
Mrs. Carrie Rice, who taught A.P. Literature, American Literature at Lawton Bronson High School, showed me that teachers have a great part in students' lives. She always challenged us to think about the world around us, and how the material we were reading functions with it. I read some of my favorite books in her classes, and got introduced to some of my favorite ideas and authors. Mrs. Rice talked about current issues, adding on to our social conscience that some classes lacked.
My Favorite Thing

My favorite thing about Iowa is its kindness. Iowa kind is something that is inspiring when given to all. In a way I see Iowa kindness as a symbol of its workers. Iowa is a hard working state, filled with good morals and above all kind hearts.