Beverly Smith
Waterloo Community School District, Lincoln Elementary School, Interim Principal
My Family History
Grandparents moved to Iowa from Kentucky. I don’t know a lot about my grandfather. I know he did some construction, building some businesses on Mobile Street. I also know that he was a cobbler. Grandmother to my knowledge did not work outside the home. My mother and father were born in Waterloo. My mother attended Iowa Teacher’s College (UNI) and Gates Business College. She retired from the Iowa Department of Human Services. My dad was a Social Studies teacher.
Living in Iowa
I never understood the small town of Iowa until I visited relatives in other places. Our Black experience was the same as their experience except the setting was different. No one made a point of me being different or poor growing up. The more we engaged in national politics, the more divided our community became. But I never saw so many successful people of color as when I went to Washington DC. I was shielded growing up in Iowa.
My Dreams
I have been blessed to have a rich career in education.
A Teacher Who Changed My Life
Nancy Snyder was my 9th grade English teacher at Logan Jr. High. She encouraged me to write, she exposed me to different genres of literature and sparked my excitement to read and learn. She was a culturally responsive teacher. She wanted to know about me, my background, aspects of culture that influenced my learning. She spent time in my home.
My Favorite Thing

This is my favorite thing, because I can’t function without my coffee.
No one should think that their opinion or point of view is the only or best one. When multiple perspectives come together, it forces us to challenge our thinking and belief systems. When diversity is valued, problems can be better understood and more effectively resolved. We are better because we are more diverse, and because we have a right to be who we are. We are better when different perspectives come together and we can reach better outcomes.